Many times, we hear people say that our clothes influence our attitudes, comfort level or personalities. All of this is valid much of the time and how we dress also exudes our level of intelligence. As a result, while appearing for the IELTS exam to demonstrate your english proficiency skills in order to be considered for a study abroad programme, you’d definitely avoid certain things that could ruin the first impression in front of your examiner. It is important to dress in suitable clothing that provides comfort. A little discomfort can make you look nervous and fragile. That is why, while going for the IELTS exam, most candidates dress professionally and elegantly as it represents their poised demeanour. 

IELTS stands for International English language testing system. This test analyses the english speaking, reading and writing capability of an individual. Those who yearn to study, work or migrate to a country where english is their native language, they need to qualify the IELTS exam. If anyone seeks proper guidance while preparing for the IELTS exam, they can link with the most prestigious institute that caters the Best IELTS coaching in Jalandhar.

While going to appear for the IELTS speaking test, you need to deck up in a simple yet professional outfit.  A good outfit can boost your confidence, particularly when you know that the outfit fits you well and that reflects serenity on your face. Many candidates ponder before going to appear for the IELTS test, how should I behave? What should I wear? Well, there are no written guidelines regarding what to wear for the IELTS exam. But, while going to appear for the IELTS speaking test, choosing to wear a sophisticated outfit can help you make a positive impression before the examiner. 

What To Wear For The IELTS Exam?

For the betterment of candidates, we have listed some suitable tips that can help them while getting ready for the IELTS speaking test:

  • Choose to Wear Pants/Trousers

Pants/trousers will give you a professional and formal look. Slacks, on the other hand, are extremely comfortable. Wearing black slacks is the perfect choice as they go with everything. You can prefer to wear other dark colors such as deep brown or dark blue.

  • Wear a Comfortable Pair of Shoes

Women should avoid wearing high heels. We know you adore them and think they’re stunning, but you need to be at ease! Would you like to suffer in those high heels, if the exam takes a long time? Platform shoes are the best choice, if you wish to wear something high.

If the weather permits, you can also wear leggings and boots as per your comfort level. If you are wearing leggings, a long shirt will give you a more “business casual” look. 

On the other hand, men should choose to wear a pair of formal shoes and avoid wearing sport shoes. 

 Are you preparing for the IELTS exam? If yes, connect with a reputed institute that offers the Best IELTS coaching in Jalandhar.

  • Choice of a Top

A white blouse is a choice for the ladies (without a cleavage). Wearing a collared shirt is recommended for gentlemen. You don’t have to wear a bow tie, but you should button up your shirt. You’ll appear more serious and professional by wearing a shirt. Avoid wearing a T-shirt that has something written on it or a funky T-shirt.

  • Jacket is Optional

It is optional to wear a jacket on the top. However, keep in mind that you should wear something elegant. You may, however, be imaginative with the jacket! If you’re going to wear black slacks or jeans, a brown or blue jacket would look great with them. You’ll look trendy as well as professional.

  • Dresses/Skirts 

Women’s skirts and dresses are two common choices. If you choose to wear a skirt, choose a traditional design in dark colours such as dark blue, black or dark brown. If you’re going to wear a shirt, choose one that’s black and doesn’t show any cleavage. Shirtwaist, drop waist or high waist – chose one or the other. 

Giving a proper attention to your dress code can help you look determined and professional. Otherwise, your proficiency in english language can help you ace the IELTS exam. If you need astounding guidance while preparing for the IELTS exam, then approach the Best IELTS institute in Ludhiana.

  • Some do’s and don’ts

While getting ready for the IELTS exam, you need to keep a close check on some do’s and don’ts mentioned below:

Must do’s:

  •  To avoid pale and sleepy looks, women can apply light make-up on their face. Men can prefer to apply a lip balm to avoid flakiness of lips.
  • Use a good mouthwash or breath freshener before going for the exam.
  • Apply a mild perfume to keep yourself fresh and avoid any bad odour. 
  • Men and women should cut and polish their nails.


  • Blue jeans: While some people prefer blue jeans, slacks are more comfortable and present a more formal appearance.
  • Sweat pants/suits: Stay away from sweat pants or suits because they give off a low vibe.
  • T-shirts: Avoid wearing T-shirts because they give off a sluggish look, particularly if they have an image or text printed on them. 

Candidates should consider these do’s and don’ts while dressing themselves for IELTS exam. If anyone seeks proper assistance for IELTS exam preparation, they can link with the Best IELTS  institute in Ludhiana.


The above-mentioned factors play an important role while choosing a suitable outfit for the IELTS exam. A proper dress-up will help appear on the IELTS exam with confidence and positive energy. Though there are no predetermined rules for the dress code of IELTS, an appropriate outfit can help candidates set a good image in front of examiner. 


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